Mastering Tricky Git Situations: Solutions to Common Challenges

Mastering Tricky Git Situations: Solutions to Common Challenges

Here’s an outline of the article:

1. Recovering a Deleted Branch

Situation: Accidentally deleted a branch locally or remotely.


Find the branch commit:

git reflog

Restore the branch:

git checkout -b <branch_name> <commit_hash>

2. Undoing a Commit without Losing Changes

Situation: Committed changes prematurely.


git reset --soft HEAD~1

3. Resolving Merge Conflicts

Situation: Merge conflicts during git merge.


Open conflicting files, resolve manually.

Add resolved files:

git add <file>

Complete the merge:

git commit

4. Pushing a Commit to the Wrong Branch

Situation: Pushed a commit to the incorrect branch.


git checkout <correct_branch>

git cherry-pick <commit_hash>

git checkout <wrong_branch>

git reset --hard HEAD~1

5. Working with Detached HEAD State

Situation: Made changes in detached HEAD state.


git switch -c new_branch_name

6. Rewriting Commit History

Situation: Need to modify commit messages or squash commits.


git rebase -i HEAD~<n>

7. Undoing a Pushed Commit

Situation: Pushed a wrong commit to the remote.


git revert <commit_hash>

8. Accidentally Committed Sensitive Data

Situation: Added credentials or secrets to a commit.


Remove from history:

git filter-repo --path <file> --invert-paths

Push the rewritten history:

git push --force

9. Fixing a Corrupted Repository

Situation: Repository shows errors like “fatal: not a git repository.”


Re-initialize Git:

git init

Pull fresh changes from remote:

git fetch --all

git reset --hard origin/<branch>

10. Resolving "Diverged Branch" Issues

Situation: Local and remote branches have diverged.


git pull --rebase

git push --force-with-lease

These examples cover common scenarios that developers face when working with Git. Would you like me to expand any section?

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